Natural Productivity

I help you increase your income by being more productive! Better use your time and energy to undertake in your most authentic way. Stop being always busy and start living life on your own terms.

chary vargas

Work less


Let’s take control of your time and energy to start living the life you’ve always dreamed of! Learn to synchronize your life with your female cycle and to be much more productive. Align your business with your essence. #You’reworthit

Hello! Pleased to meet you!

I’m Chary Vargas, productivity and business coach for women. I help you develop online business making the best use of your time and energy in harmony with your feminine cycle.

Certified as a life and health coach and graduated from a professional MBA, I started in the world of entrepreneurship 10 years ago with all kinds of businesses and today, I help women around the world to undertake from their most authentic way to increase their income and have more free time.

I teach you to organize yourself, be more productive and strategic, and take imperfect action.

Take advantage of my positive energy, constant support and guidance to conquer new barriers easily and strategically.

Do you want to learn how to plan your time as a CEO?

Download the system I use to plan my days and weeks according to my female cycle!

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